Introduction to My Life

Hi everyone, my name is Joanna and I'm a senior with a double major in Accounting and MIS. I grew up in Rockwall, Texas, a small suburb in Dallas. My mom was born and raised in Sri Lanka, a small island in South Asia. She moved to Kansas when she was 17 to attend college and escape the dangers of the civil war that was taking place at the time. My dad was born in Sri Lanka as well but grew up in London.
On a gondola in Venice. Source: personal photo

Lake Louise in Alberta, Canada. Source: personal photo
One of my favorite things to do is travel. I think part of this has to do with the fact that I have family all around the world. From a young age I've been flying off to London almost every year to spend Christmas with my cousins. Some of my favorite places I've been to are Spain, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, and Switzerland. It's always been a dream of mine to visit Machu Picchu in Peru and I hope that one day I can.

My dog Teddy is my best friend! If you know me you know how much I'm obsessed with him. The hardest part of leaving home for college is definitely not getting to see him everyday. I don't know what I would do without FaceTime.
Isn't he the cutest? Source: personal photo

Family is everything to me! Even though I have family all over we all make it a point to visit each other whenever we can. They are the people that made me who I am today and I feel extremely blessed to have them in my life. My family is loud, crazy, funny, and most of the time annoying. But I wouldn't trade them for anyone else.
My brother and I.  Source: personal

My little cousin and one of my best friends. Source: personal photo

I took this class because I thought it would be interesting to learn more about my culture and the different stories it contains. Growing up in a Christian household, I wasn't really exposed to Hinduism. I felt like this would be a good way for me to understand and connect with my culture more.


  1. Hi Joanna! The pictures you posted are absolutely beautiful, of your family and scenery! My favorite is the Alberta,Canada photo. That background is amazing! I bet you all just stood and stared in wonder. It reminds me of when I visit Salt Lake City, UT. The mountains there are so beautiful, and seem so close, that I always imagined someone just put up a fake backdrop to the city. Your photo reminds me of that. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hey Joanna,

    I gotta agree with EmKay, those are great photos! (Both the places and the family photos, that traditional gown is quite something.)

    Your family has a very interesting story. It always surprises me how many of us got to OU today through such extraordinary chains of events in the past.


  3. Hello Joanna! I think that is amazing that you have a family from all over the world and you are able to travel. That's one thing that I wish I could have done more as a kid. How was New Zealand? I would love to go there mainly because Lord of The Rings was filmed there. I would like to go and see some of those places where it was filmed. Having pets can be awesome, but it sucks having to leave them, your dog looks really cute!

  4. Hi Joanna,
    I love how you have been able to travel around the world. I think that it is amazing when people our age have that opportunity to explore different cultures and learn so much more than just what is confined to the United States! Also, thanks for also sharing photos of your family and dog! Its nice to see glimpses into other peoples lives to see the differences and similarities! I hope one day you make it to Peru as well!


  5. Hi Joanna, your dog is so cute! I agree, leaving my dogs was one of the hardest parts of college for me too. I have two dogs, one named Tommy who is a Beagle and another named Nina who is a pitbull mix. I am South Asian as well and my parents immigrated here so I liked that I could relate to that. That is also part of the reason this class intrigued me, to learn more about our culture. I think it is great your family is close, I think that as you get older you realize how special those bonds are. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Hey Joanna! I think it is incredible that you have been to so many different countries! I love to travel too, and Machu Picchu is also on my list of places to visit :-) What is your favorite country that you have been to? I'm sure having family all over makes traveling even more of an adventure, since you get to visit with loved ones and have a local guide!

  7. Here I am, finally getting around to your Introduction, Joanna! I already knew about your Sri Lanka connections (which is so exciting; you are the first student with a Sri Lankan family connection who has taken this class!)... and now I see that it is a whole international trek that brought your family to Dallas eventually. Wonderful! And I would say: keep on traveling!!! Especially now when you have more time and freedom; it gets harder later on when obligations are weighing you down... so just go go go now while you can!
    Plus your little Teddy is adorable! Maybe you will add a picture to the Pet Gallery; here's the "Pet Padlet" -- Padlet Tech Tips, which is a fun way to do an extra credit Tech Tip thing. :-)

  8. Hi Joanna, what an amazing background you have! I am so jealous you have traveled all over the world, too! I would love to know if you have spoken to any of your family about the story of Rama and if they are familiar with the tails? I think having family from India and what they have to say about the topics we discuss in this class would be interesting to hear. I looked forward to reading more of your work this semester!

  9. Hi Joanna,

    Wow, double majoring! I know that can not be easy, but it seems like you are doing just fine, so the best luck to you and your studies! It is so awesome that you have gotten to travel to so many places! It looks like so much fun! If you had to pick your most absolute, favorite place you've been to, where would it have been?

  10. Hello Joanna. You are doing a double major in accounting AND MIS? That should be financially rewarding! I watched the mother of my children start out in the MIS program at UNC and then switch to accounting at OU where she graduated. She has often looked back and been glad she made the switch. Both at the same time is something to be proud of!

  11. Hi Joanna,
    Nice to meet you through your introduction. Accounting and MIS double major sounds like a lot of fun. Your pictures are fantastic, and the list of countries that you have visited is so extensive. If you’ve visited this many countries so far I have no doubt that you’ll be able to fit Peru into the list.

  12. Hi Joanna!
    It's neat that you've gotten to travel so much! I would love to travel, but haven't really gotten the opportunity. Machu Picchu is on my list of places to visit too. It's amazing what "primitive" people managed to achieve, and from an engineering standpoint (I'm a mechanical engineer) it's a marvel, even by today's standards. Best of luck in your studies!

  13. Hello, Joanna!
    It's so cool that you get to travel! I recently went to Europe for the first time and it was by far the farthest i've ever traveled, and it was a blast! Your double major sounds challenging, but I'm sure it's very rewarding! I was never really great a math growing up, but when something did make sense it was very fun. Best of luck to you!

  14. Hi Joanna,

    I am so glad you are in this course! It was so fun reading about your background and getting to know you better. The pictures of you and your family are so pretty! It is so cool to see that you have travelled so much! Do you plan on moving back home after graduation? Congrats on that by the way, and good luck with everything!

  15. Hi Joanna!
    It is nice to meet you, even though the semester is almost over. I loved all the pictures you shared. I visited family in Calgary so we got to visit Lake Louise too! It is so beautiful there. I can't wait to go back some day! I visited a town named Jasper in BC. I highly recommend. Also you look stunning in the sari!

  16. Hi Joanna!
    I think it is really cool that you are double majoring in Accounting and MIS. I definitely don't think I could handle two majors and I always think it is amazing when someone can. Your dog Teddy is also very adorable. I would find it hard to leave him at home as well. Also, I think it is awesome that you are so close to your family.

  17. Hey Joanna,
    I think it is really cool you have family all over the globe. I bet its hard to see them often but I’m sure its great when you get the chance to visit. Also, what a great way to travel, being able to see different places through the eyes of a local is amazing. I also love your dog; he is so cute! I have been wanting a dog because I miss mine at home.

  18. Joanna,
    Here we all are. It is the end of the semester! Yay! I hope you have had a successful time this spring. I am sure you are looking forward to the summer. Hopefully it will bring you lots of enjoyment and new fun opportunities. It has been a pleasure reading your thoughts and work in this class. Take care and I wish you the best of luck!


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