Growth Mindset

I think the concept of growth mindset Carol Dweck spoke of is interesting because it showed me a view on learning and education that is very different from the one I grew up with. Rather than focusing on the grade, it focuses on the future and raising children that dream big. If we focus on the now and simply getting a good grade, we lose sight of a bigger goal and purpose. Raised in a household where getting A's was always important, this gives me a new perspective on education. Our goal must be to improve and strive for more rather than just settle for small achievements.

Growth Mindsets vs. Fixed Mindsets. Source: Youtube

In my personal experience I can think of many times where I may have failed, especially as a college student. Sometimes when I get a bad grade its easy to beat myself up over it and I end up wasting my time stressing over something that can't be changed. Growth mindset helps me see that just because I get a worse grade than I expect this didn't mean I'm not smart or unintelligent. It just means that through striving and hard work I can improve. These videos have challenged me to think about my future goals and make the effort to achieve them.


  1. I also found this article so interesting! Especially because everyone in our class is a student right now, I think everyone can definitely say we haven't spent a lot of time viewing our education this way. Every year of my life that I can remember was spent in some kind of school receiving feedback in various ways. I think all schools should teach this way, introducing a growth mindset to students even in early grades!


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