Feedback Thoughts

One of the articles about feedback that stood out to me was the one about Neil Gaiman's advice on the creative life. He spoke about how it is okay to make mistakes and actually beneficial in a way. If we're making mistakes this means that we're taking risks and growing. By putting ourselves out there and doing things that might make us uncomfortable we're opening ourselves up to new possibilities. I'm always fear the possibility of making mistakes, both in school and in work, so reading this article opened me up to the idea that mistakes are part of the learning process.

In the article Why It's So Hard to Hear Negative Feedback by Tim Herrera, the author speaks of how negative feedback can lead to opportunity and how we can become better at receiving it. I struggle with taking negative feedback in a job and one of my biggest fears working at my internship this summer was being criticized on something I did wrong. I'm also bad at giving negative feedback because I'm scared of hurting someone's feelings or offending them. This article helped me change my view on feedback and looking at the positive side of feedback.

Accepting Feedback. Source


Neil Gaiman's advice on the creative life

Why it's so hard to hear negative feedback


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