Reading Notes: Narayan's Ramayana, Part D

  • This part begins with Hanuman on his journey to find Sita. He mistakes Ravana's wife Mandodari to be Sita because of her great beauty.
  • Hanuman is captured and taken to Ravana. In an attempt to kill him Ravana sets his tail on fire but this burns Lanka to the ground. It's rebuilt by Maya. Ravana refuses to release Sita
  • Rama builds a bridge to cross the street
  • A huge battle takes place
  • Ravana is warned against it as he is not protected against humans.
  • Ravana and Rama fight and finally Rama is able to kill him with a special arrow - Brahma-astra.
  • Sita jumps in the fire to prove her purity. Shiva sends Dasharatha to earth to grant Rama a wish and he asks that he forgive Kaikeyi and Bharata
  • Finally Rama is able to return to Ayodhya after his exile and he becomes King.

Sita's test by fire


Vālmīki, & Narayan, R. K. (1972). The Ramayana; a shortened modern prose version of the Indian epic by R.K. Narayan. Suggested by the Tamil version of Kamban. New York: Viking Press


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