Topic Research: Mandodari

When doing more research on Lanka and Ravana's family, one character that caught my eye was Ravana's wife, Mandodari. She was said to be very beautiful and extremely loyal to her husband despite his flaws. She didn't give up on him and always tried to help him be a better person. I felt like she would be an interesting character to focus on given her strength and all the circumstances she had to endure. 

Story 1: This will be an introduction to Mandodari and her background story. This will also be the story where she meets Ravana and is married to him.

Story 2: This will talk about her marriage to Ravana and how she dealt with his faults. This is the part of the story where Ravana falls in love with Sita and abducts her. I would like to go into more detail on Mandodari's thoughts during the whole thing. It will probably go up until the death of her husband.

Story 3: This will be her life post Ravana's death. Many sources online didn't go very in depth to what happened to her but it's said that she marries her brother-in-law. I would like to see her have a happy end to her story after having to go through so much in life.

Mandodari and Ravana. Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia


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