Reading Notes: Narayan's Mahabarata, Part A

Narayan's Mahabarata is a lot more complex than the Ramayana he wrote. I think this is because there are so many more stories going on in it that it's hard to keep track of all of the characters. 

-Shantanu King of Hastinapura, marries a woman who is actually Ganga and she drowns her children to return them to heaven as Gods.
  • He then marries another women, Satyavati. Bishma becomes king after his death.
  • Ambika and Ambalika are supposed to sleep with Vyasa and the are repelled by him. Ambika makes her servant insteadm and her servant likes him
  • Draupai marries the Pandavas, 5 men: I thought this was an interesting story as in this time it was usually then men who had multiple wives.
    (Dhritarashtra and Duryodhana)


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