Story Lab, Week 10

This week I chose to do the story lab. I chose to watch the two Ted talks on stories and friends.The first Ted Talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie talks about her experience growing in the U.S. with her Nigerian roots. In her talk she stresses the importance of not judging a person or country on a single story we hear about them. Often we see picture and things in the news and make assumptions based on that. We need to understand that there is more to a culture than we see and there is not one specific stereotype that everyone fits into. The second stalk was about imaginary friends and their consequences. Jennifer Barnes, a ya author, talks about the emotions we feel for fiction and their characters. We spend so much time on books, movies, tv shows, that are fiction. One of the things that draws us to fiction is the relationships we form with characters. These relationships are called parasocial because we don't know them. Ted Talks logo Bibliography: two TED talks about stor...